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Built to perform

Trying to plan for what things might look like in five, ten or 15 years time is tough for any organisation where time and budget constraints are an issue. Making smart choices at the planning stage of a water heater system installation project and implementing a whole life costing approach is vital to ensure cost effectiveness and smooth operation.

When considering a commercial water heater, the purchase price is likely to be a priority, but it’s important to go one step further and think about how the appliance will perform over time. Whole life costing should include a review of a water heater’s anticipated energy consumption, installation, maintenance and servicing costs, alongside the initial purchase price of the product to estimate the cost of the water heater across its lifetime.

Components which are cheaper at the initial stages can easily end up costing more in the long run, due to operational costs or frequency of repairs and replacements.

Energy Consumption

Predictions about how much energy a commercial water heater will use can then be used to make assumptions about how much it will cost to run (depending on fuel prices), and how much carbon it will admit. Although some energy efficient water heaters will have a slightly higher capital cost, it is often the case that this can be recouped very quickly as a result of lower energy use.


The work involved in installing a commercial water heater can vary, so it’s worth investigating if the manufacturer has made their product quick and easy to fit or if they offer any prefabricated solutions to simplify the installation process further.

Maintenance and Servicing

Regular maintenance and servicing costs should always be included in a whole life costing model as they are essential for safety and reliability, as well as increasing the life of a water heater. It is also essential to include water treatment in a whole life costing model, as heating systems will perform better, more efficiently and more reliably with good quality water circulating in them.

This might seem a lot to consider, but water heater manufacturers should be able to assist by providing an analysis of all the costs and revenues associated with a specific product, so that accurate, realistic budgets for its purchase, installation, operation and maintenance can be set.

If you need any help or advice on selecting the right commercial water heater for you, please call the Customer Support Helpline on 0345 070 1055, or submit an enquiry online here and a member of the team will get back to you to arrange an appointment.

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